PRESS RELEASE TOGETHER: Towards a Cultural Understanding of the Other

blogInternational Projects20 Ottobre 202023 Views


            On the 16th of October, the Italian organization, Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa APS (FPD) attended with its representatives Evangelista Leuzzi, Emanuele Rizzello and Iulia Badea at the official launch of the “Towards a Cultural Understanding of the Other” (TOGETHER) hosted by the lead partner, CulturePolis (Greece) via Zoom. The Consortium consists of 6 partners coming from 5 different countries: “CulturePolis”(GR), “Eworx Ypiresies Ilektronikou Epicheirein Anonymos Etaireia” (GR), “Institute of Entrepreneurship Development Ltd” (CY), “Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa APS” (IT), “Georgian Arts & Culture Center Foundation” (GE), “Lebanese Development Network” (LB).

“TOGETHER” is a two-year project that derives from the need to create and disseminate know-how regarding the intercultural dialogue among EU countries and countries outside the European territory, based on the common values cultural heritage represents in order to really empower all sectors of society to build bridges between people, reinforce mutual understanding, boost economic and social development and enable Europe and its neighbors to face common challenges as a whole context for social cohesion and sustainability. It seeks to empower all sectors in society through building bridges between people, reinforcing mutual understanding, and boosting economic and social development to enable Europe and its neighbours face the common challenges, and achieve social cohesion and sustainability.

At the online meeting attended the 6 partners with its project managers, observers and the deputies assigned for running the project. The project manager, Xanthippi Kontoganni, together with the President of CulturePolis, prof. Vasileios Laopodis, presented the agenda of the meeting, the project objectives, roles and duties, the intellectual outputs and multiplier events, followed by the activities calendar. The meeting ended with a Q&A session.

The project “TOGETHER” falls under the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 (KA204): Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices.

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