Press Release YES !

blog8 Maggio 202021 Views

Press release


On the 8th of May 2020, the Italian Municipality of Miggiano has been the online host for the Kick-Off meeting of the “Youth for European Solidarity!” Network of Towns and Organizations (YES!). The online conference was held via the ZOOM platform and attended by 26 international participants representing 6 Institutions and 6 Municipalities from 10 different countries. The conference was organized in 2 sessions: 1 Plenary Session and 1 Coordination Meeting. The Plenary Session was open to the public (partner organizations, interested stakeholders, citizens…), while the Coordination Meeting was attended only by the national YES! coordinators.
The Plenary Session was launched by Mr. Michele Sperti, as mayor of Comune di Miggiano (IT), the YES! lead partner, who welcomed the attendees and commemorated the Europe Day and 70th Anniversary of the Declaration of Robert Schuman. Afterward, the “Europe for Citizens 2014- 2020” co-financing the project was presented by the YES! Coordinator Mr.
Evangelista Leuzzi, who also gave the audience a general overview of the YES! Initiative, underlining its objectives, aims, activities and expected results and impacts. The session continued with the presentations of the two ESC international volunteers in Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale in Italy. Ms. Iulia Gabriela Badea (RO) introduced the “European Solidarity Corps” Programme, as a great opportunity for young people to contribute to solidarity initiatives abroad in EU, while Ms. Aleksandra Rozanska (PL) described how an ESC project could be concretely arranged, sharing her volunteering experience in Italy in the time of COVID-19.

During the Coordination Session, every single aspect of YES! Project, from the general and financial management to the organization of the local and international events, was discussed among the team of international coordinators. The coordinators agreed to monitor the evolvement of the COVID-19 pandemic before deciding if the next scheduled meeting will be online or in person.

For more information on the EVENT please visit:
More information on the YES! project:

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