ESCAPE (2017-2019)

International Projects15 Novembre 201824 Views

ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership in Adult Education

“ESCAPE: Enhancing Seniors’ Competencies for Active Participation in Europe” is a 24 months project, involving 3 different organizations coming from Italy, Spain and France, working in 3 different but interconnectable sectors: senior education, ICTs, Eu Partecipatory Democracy.

The Strategic Partnership will start from sharing best practices and, thanks to a participative and inclusive implementation of the project, it will lead to the definition of a new Educational Methodology for promoting senior 50+ E-Participation in EU.

Senior citizens, especially those facing economic and geographical obstacles, would like to have their say at local but also at EU level. Their experience would really help the Europe in becoming closer to the needs of its citizens. How to do so? The only way is to use the existing European Partecipatory Democracy Tools (EU Elections, Citizens’ Initiatives, Citizens’ Dialogue, Petitions, ….) and maybe to propose new ones. This requires a certain knowledge of the use of ICTs.

How to help these seniors in taking actively part to the construction of the Future of Europe? The answer is: a new Methodological Approach, where adult education, ICTs and Active Participation merge in one unique Educational output: the ESCAPE E-Book.

During the project there will be organized 3 International meetings + 4 Learning/Trainngs activities + local educational activities.

About 18 participants per partner (Staff members, educators and trainers) will attend the planned meetings and at least 25 seniors per Country will partecipate in the field experimentation of the new methodology.

The final project result (the E-Book) will be available in the ESCAPE website, on adult education resources portals and on Social Media. In this way, every interested organization will be able to experiment it in its own context, eventually adapt it and bring benefits to its senior learners and, since they will become “digital” active citizens in EU, to the European Union itself.


Output: ESCAPE Guidelines | Guidelines for E-Participation of Senior Citizens

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