FUTHURE: Fostering Unity, Tolerance and HUman Rights in Europe

International ProjectsProjects1 Luglio 202339 Views

ID no. 621846-CITIZ-1-2020-1-MT-CITIZ-NT

Start Date: 01-11-2020

End Date: 31-10-2023

FB page: https://www.facebook.com/FUTHUREnetworkoftowns

Website: https://europeforcitizense.wixsite.com/futhure


“FUTHURE: Fostering Unity, Tolerance and HUman Rights in Europe” is a 24 months initiative,designed by 10 partners from 7 EU (MT,IT,RO,CY,PT,ES,SE) and 1 neighbour (BA) Countries,with the aim to create a Network for actively involving citizens in raising awareness on common values and in the debating on the future of Europe and its fundamental rights. The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2020 represents a great opportunity to analize the state of the art and make proposals for the Future.Thanks to a complex workplan (6 International Events,24 Local Debates and 8 Local Dissemination Meetings in 8 Countries),the project affects a total of 600 direct and about 35.000 indirect participants in finding answers to many questions,such as: What is the role and potential of the Charter in protecting and promoting democracy? Did,and does,the citizens feel more protected in their EU VALUES,as fundamental rights?What is it there still to do assure protection of fundamental rights?All the feedbacks and the ideas collected during the 24 Local Debates will merge into the “Guidelines for FUTHURE”, detailed recommendations about the Future of Fundamental Rights in Europe,as a result of a long-lasting participatory bottom-up approach.These Recommendations will then be addressed to the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights,in order to be taken into consideration for the drafting of the next “FRA Programming Document 2022-2024”.So as to make the awareness raising activities more effective and the participants (Citizens,experts,CSOs,Local Authorities and other stakeholders) feel more involved in and by the debating process,the events,where the 6 pillars will be presented and debated,will be organized during some special remembrance/celebration days,such as World Press Freedom Day,World Refugee Day,International Day of Democracy,World Day of Social Justice, “Carta di Leuca” International Youth Meeting for Peace.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”

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