Citizens Occupy Rural Europe (CORE)

ProjectsInternational Projects9 Dicembre 202235 Views

Citizens Occupy Rural Europe (CORE) was an Europe for Citizens project involving 5 different countries: Portugal, Malta, Italy, Slovakia and Austria.
CORE had impact directly european citizens and had the aims to empower the citizens, with a bigger focus on the ones in rural areas, tackling the importance of the European Union, their own culture and to promote their active participation as European citizens. CORE had also spoken to the citizens about the European values that we all share, hence giving the opportunity for these citizens to get to know their common history and values. Our aim is for the citizens to feel closer and as if they belonged to Europe gave them tools and promote active participation where they debated, shared and build their own perspectives and give continuity to this thinking for a less eurosceptic and better future for Europe.
The main activities of CORE project was:

  • 1 Kick Off Meeting of the representatives of the partner organizations: Beja, Portugal
  • 5 Local “CORE EVENTS” – 1 per partner country
  • 5 CORE Volunteering Activities – 1 per partner country
  • 2 CORE International Conference including representatives of the partner organizations: MALTA and PORTUGAL
  • 15 Local “CORE WORKSHOPS” – 3 in each partner country

Due to these activities, CORE had 591 direct participants (with 200 Disadvantages/few opportunities) and about 3895 indirect participants.

The CORE project empowered by this experience citizens had a more critical point of view on the rural areas of Europe and in what defines them as individuals and as citizens.
Besides that, they were more open to multiculturality, equality, and inclusion.
They will also gain experience with new methods and develop themselves.


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