FPD è impegnata in diversi progetti in corso e ha portato a termine importanti iniziative locali ed internazionali. Consulta le nostre attività!
Progetti conclusi
NOT-GAP 2015 – 2017
Europe for Citizens – Network of Towns
What can 14 partners (from 9 EU Countries + 3 Partner Countries, SR, AL, FYROM) do to answer the needs of their communities to better understanding the meaning of “European Citizenship” and, at the same time, to directly contribute to the construction of the future of the EU? The answer is “NOT-GAP: Network of Organizations and Towns Growing through Active Participation”, a Network of 6 Municipalities, 2 National Associations of Municipalities, 1 Agency of Municipalities and 5 Civil Society Organizations. It was born with the intent to open a discussion around EU, bringing the distrustful and favorable citizens to better understand the EU, its Institutions and its System of Partecipatory Democracy.
The project will start the 1st of January 2016 and it will last for 2 years.Thanks to 5 international events the Network will stimulate a new reflection about the sense of the European Union,bringing the European Participatory Tools (EU elections,Citizens’ Initiatives,Volunteering,Citizens’ Dialogues..) closer to its citizens, who will practice and familiarize with them (through simulation games and working groups). In this way they will learn how to make their voice be heard at European level and how to directly contribute to the future of Europe. What is more,the best practices of local active participation will be exchanged among the partners.
During the project,14 APD (Agents of Partecipatory Democracy, 1 per partner) will be trained,in order to assure a deeper promotion and dissemination of “NOT-GAP” results. They will be responsible of the organization of local campaigns and meetings with citizens, creating a multiplier effect. The Network will also create and produce a Usb Pendrive (with the information about the tools, useful also for training more citizens as APDs) and a Web Portal (www.notgap.eu) where the APDs will constantly answer the questions of the citizens and help them to promote and concretize their partecipatory initiatives at local and EU level.
JOYNEET 2014 – 2016
Europe for Citizens – Network of Towns
OYNeet (Job Opportunities for Youth with the Network of European Towns) is a project created commonly by 8 European Towns + 1 Research Center + 2 Civil Society Organization representing 2 Municipalities + 2 Non-profit Organizations, 1 Twinning Committee and 1 Training Center. Each partner has its own background, experience and challenges to face but all of them want to work together for the engagement of young underrepresented citizens from small communities in the European decision-making processes both on local and European level. This will be possible thanks to the implementation of 7 meetings focused on Union policies aimed at helping young NEET citizens to improve their CV for a better job placement or to start-up their own business, and develop intercultural understanding. 4 meetings will be specifically dedicated to 4 main sectors (Agricultural, Industry ICT and Innovation, Handicraft, Culture and Tourism) in order to give the youth a real opportunity to meet potential partners coming from the Network countries and plan together their mobility to learn, train, work, study or volunteer abroad, or even start their new business activity. At least 20 mobilities will be also supported by 2 EU Funds experts who will help the young participants to “practice Union policies and initiatives”, and afterwards facilitate the production of Recommendations based on the participants’ experience that will be introduced to the Union bodies (CoR, EESC), and MEPs. The impact of this project can be measured on individual level – as an increased interest in Union policies, as well as on the institutional one – capacity building. The 2 years project activities will be disseminated through the production of 4 main communication tools: a web portal, social media, leaflets and a USB with movies presenting the mobilities implemented and results that have been achieved. Learn! Practice! Take Part!