Our Team

Maddalena Paladini
Evangelista Leuzzi
Project Manager
Emanuele G. Rizzello
Project Manager / Coordinator
Graduated in political science

Project manager and youth worker. He has implemented local and international youth activities, training courses and orientation activities for young unemployed, within the regional calls and the Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, Youth Guarantee. Rizzello cooperates in several projects with FPD, both at local and international level.
Iulia Gabriela
Project Officer
Graduated in Clinical Psychology, Psychology Counselling and Psychotherapy

Her experience in managing and writing EU projects comes from the volunteering stage within the European Solidarity Corps at FPD. Iulia brings within the team an integrative approach by taking care of the affective, social and behavioral aspects of the activities. She provides support in the preparation and implementation of EU programmes such us Europe for Citizens and Erasmus Plus.
Luigi Paiano
Technical Support / Digital Educator
Graduated in Computer Engineering

Engineer trained during the Erasmus Student Exchange, deals with the technical aspects of FPD, developing websites and e-learning / MOOC platforms. He is also an educator and digital trainer for the regional and international educational projects.

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